I Became A Multi-Millionaire
Selling Top Rated, Legitimate Business Opportunities ...
... Now That I'm Retiring,
These 4 Multi-Million Dollar Companies Can Be Yours!
Company Is Completely Set Up & Ready To Make You Money Today! I started penniless (literally) and became a Multi-Millionaire faster than I used to be able to drag myself out of my sleeping bag on a cold morning. You see, not too long ago, I was living out of a backpack (under a tarp) in the woods. I didn’t have a job and never finished school … and I suffered the consequences. I got wet when it rained, cold when it snowed, and eaten up by mosquitoes in the miserably hot summertime. One day, a man and his family came upon me when they were on a camping trip. He thought I was just another “camper” until we started talking. He and his family took vacations all the time. He had plenty of Money, plenty of Free Time, & No Boss!
. **** PHASE 1 **** A
$43,874.92 - Month
Grew To …
. . ... A - $80,991.12 - Month
Grew To …
. . ... A - $136,773.00 - Month
Just Kept Growing … -o .. . $136,733
- that’s over $4,400 per
- **** PHASE 2 ****
. A
. $251,371.91 - Month
Which Grew To …
. . . .
... A
$834,014.51 - Month
Grew To …
. .
... A
$934,345.02 - Month
Just Kept Growing … . . ..
. Since the company ran itself,
I had plenty of free time on my hands.
As I was laying on my beach in the …
Here’s Just One Of The Companies You Will Own That Went
From $0.00 to $39,379.08 In Its First 13 Days! You’ll
notice that I did spend $724.55 that month - but only AFTER
I was making
over $3,000 per Who
In Their Right Mind Wouldn't
Want To Own This Company?
not forget that the people who bought these business opportunities also
pretty well for themselves - that’s why your Phase 2 Income is so high! Now YOU
can be the owner … That Moves Into Phase 2 Very Quickly … - In Just 30 Days!
As you can see in Phase 1, you can
make almost $1,000 per day ($27,703
for the month) from the start, which is nice, but Phase 2 hit the very
month and that’s where your income skyrockets.
You’ll notice I only spent $2,457.00 that entire
month which is nothing
when you’re bringing in over $13,000.00 per This
company, along with the 3 others can be yours, and each one is 100%
You’re not starting a “new” business, you’re simply taking over
ownership of 4
existing, established, very high profit companies -
so you can start
receiving money immediately!
All 4 of
your companies make money ridiculously easy in ANY
economy so even that
doesn’t matter! There
are no “secret formulas” or “newly discovered financial
miracles” or “never
seen before technology” – just
good, solid, proven
money making companies that YOU take over as the
owner! Of
Your New Businesses The
business opportunities that you’ll own actually work and make money for
people buying them! This
is why your
Phase 2 Income is so high. As
the owner,
your customers become your Affiliates, Distributors, and Agents so you
just sit
back and receive a (very high) residual monthly income off all their
combined. These
aren’t “start-up”
companies – they’ve made me tens of millions of dollars just by owning
Your New Businesses Phase
2 is the really exciting part (and all 4 of your companies have it)
because it
happens automatically and without ANY
input from you, and your
income jumps from a few thousand dollars per day to tens of thousands
dollars per day! Remember, what separates you from the “crooks” out
taking advantage of people is that the business opportunities you’ll be
rich from are all legitimate, high
profit businesses that
are completely turnkey for the buyers so you can make a ton of money
and sleep
well at night!
Over $1 Million Dollars In Just 31 Days! i o
You couldn’t stop this “income
explosion” from
happening even if you wanted to – it’s a natural result from the
success of
people who buy your business opportunities.
nice thing is that the people who buy from you will be happy to give
you a
piece of the action! I’ve
had people
offer me 10 times more money just to say “thank you” for their new
business. Of
course, I didn’t accept it
because a deal is a deal, but it’s a nice feeling when people
appreciate you
that much.
. You
You Could Retire
Yourself Just Like I Did …
$7.7 Million dollar sale price was a long term agreement of residual
income based
on just 10% of the actual sales for the last 10
years. These bank
statements prove these
companies make a ton of money! You
own all 4 of them for a lot less than $7.7 Million!
A 50% discount would bring the price to $3.85
Million. A 90%
discount would be $770,000
- which would be a steal!
However, a 99.999…% discount would bring the
price to just $77 & that’s about what my backpack cost.
here’s the best deal of your life, for just $77, I will give you the 4
businesses (not just plans, concepts, or ideas – the actual
that made me a Multi-Millionaire (and previously sold for $7.7 Million). Look these companies over,
and if for any
reason whatsoever, you don’t think any one of them can make you a
Millionaire quickly
& easily like they did for me, just let me know within 30 days
and I’ll buy
them back from you. You
can be making
money instantly so it’s a no-lose situation – you’re either 100%
satisfied (and
rich) or you’re out nothing! If
haven’t figured it out, you’re getting a much better deal than I did
Sincerely, M. Forbes Michael
Forbes P.S. All 4 companies are 100% complete,
and make money
ridiculously easy in any economy.
As the
owner, everything is done for you by others (without it costing you a
dime) so you You’ll
get the exact same 4 companies that took me from dead broke (living
under a
tarp in the woods) and made me a Multi-Millionaire!
So if you’re tired of spending money on
business opportunities only to make someone else rich - it’s time for
you to
become the OWNER, and for a change, let thousands of other people make YOU
started today by clicking the "Buy Now" button below, and as an added
Bonus, not only will I set all 4 of your
companies up with their very own individual websites (which won’t cost
you a penny –
ever!) but I'll also give you a Bonus
Company - that's 5
Multi-Million Dollar Companies for just $77 and they are all 100% Guaranteed!
NO RISK - NO LOSE GUARANTEE! I didn’t get a guarantee when I started, so there’s another way you’re getting a better deal than I got – don’t let it go to waste! If you seriously want to quit the Rat Race, get out of the Trenches, and start enjoying a Rich, Carefree Life - it's Easy! Simply take my place as the Owner of the companies that quickly and easily took me from flat broke (living under a tarp in the woods) to a Multi-Millionaire! You can feel 100% Comfortable & Secure knowing that you CANNOT lose on this deal because I will provide you with any and all the help you may need, you've seen proof that these companies make Millions of dollars, and if you're not completely satisfied for any reason whatsoever, I’ll buy them back from you. Further understand that as the Owner, you don't need a computer, skills, money, or anything else because other people will be doing everything that makes you rich - that's the beauty of being an Owner! Simply click on the "Get Started Today" button above and get ready to enjoy the Money & Perks that come with being the owner! You have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain because it's completely RISK FREE & GUARANTEED! .
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